My Mouse - My Music

Code and documentation of Marc Conrad's and Tim French's art project on deterministically generated sonic events.

Read more: paper and presentation (slides as pdf, ppt, xps), presented at Sounding Out 5 in 2010.

Or try the system yourself:

This youtube video demonstrates a composition based on the Sounding Out web site using this software:

If you are a software developper and want to use the sonic event production system please note that source code is included in the jar file. The API is avaialable here. The Java package is licensed under the OpenSource fair licence:

Copyright: Marc Conrad, Tim French 2010. Usage of the works is permitted provided that this instrument is retained with the works, so that any entity that uses the works is notified of this instrument.

The Java package is a true extension of the Sonic Events Java package.
The olive tree logo of the Perisic Guesthouse © Marc Conrad, 2006-2009. The material on this page is presented "as is". There is no warranty implied by presenting this stuff.
Feel free to use the material for your own research or teaching. When doing so please give a reference to this web site (
The webspace for this project is kindly provided by the Perisic Guesthouse ( The author of this page is not responsible for external links.