Jacobson's Recycling Machine analyzed with Larman's Methods

(Lecture slides on Object Oriented Analysis)

In 2004 I gave a lecture on Object Oriented Software Design at the University of Luton. (now University of Bedfordshire). Approximately two weeks have been devoted to Object Oriented Analysis. In the core of these two lectures were the object oriented analysis according to Craig Larman's book Applying UML and Patterns mixed up with the Recycling Machine inspired from Ivar Jacobson's book Object-Oriented Software Engineering, A Use Case Driven Approach

Just in case that you find this material helpful here it is.

Other, related material:

Implementations of the Recycling Machine

Here are some related links:
Olive Tree Icon © by: Marc Conrad, 2004-2024. If you want me to come to your organisation and talk about any of these topics please contact me.
The material on this page is presented "as is". There is no warranty implied by presenting this stuff.
Feel free to use and modify the material for your own teaching. When doing so please link to this web site (http://perisic.com/oosd). In acadmic publications cite this page as: Conrad, Marc (2024) Object Oriented Analysis of Jacobson's Recycling Machine according to Larman (online), available at: http://perisic.com/oosd.
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