The Avatar in the Virtualscape (10/12)

  1. What is the gender of your avatar?

    Other, please specify:

  2. What is the skin colour of your avatar?

    Don't know.
    Don't remember.
    Not a natural skin colour (e.g. blue, yellow, or green). Please specify:

  1. Did you make any changes to your avatar's profile? (You can choose more than one)
    The 'About' section of the 2nd life tab.
    The 'Photo' section of the 2nd life tab.
    The 'Photo' section of the 1st life tab.
    The 'Info' section of the 1st life tab.
    Favourite place in the 'Pics' section.
    I did not do any changes in my avatar's profile.
    I do not know what my avatar's profile is.
    I do not remember.
    Other, please specify:

  1. Have you received comments about your avatar from other people? (You can choose more than one)
    I have received comments in real life.
    I have received comments in Second Life.
    I have not received any comments.
    Other, please specify:

  1. How do you feel about the look of your avatar?

  1. How much do you care what other people think about your avatar?

    Not at all = 1 2 3 4 5 = Very much
  1. Why, in your opinion, does your avatar have a physical appearance?

  1. Do you think an avatar's physical appearance affects the way other users interact with it in Second Life?

Note that the survey is now closed and left here only for the purpose of illustration. Results can be found in Peachey, Anna; Childs, Mark (Eds) Reinventing Ourselves: Contemporary Concepts of Identity in Virtual Worlds Springer, 2011.
Feel free to do the questionnaire as a mock excercise. No data is collected during the process. See here for source code & copyright notice