Marc Conrad


Dr Marc Conrad is Principal Lecturer for Computing and Information Systems at the University of Bedfordshire. He worked on a number of research projects, many of those cross-disciplinary with Mathematics, Psychology, Sociology, Engineering and Education. Since 2006 he teaches Information Technology Project Management, both undergraduate and postgraduate and experiments with various teaching approaches including the use of virtual realities. He is proficient in full stack software development and is an experienced Java programmer.

As of November 2024, he has supervised sixteen PhD students to completion. Marc Conrad has authored and co-authored more than seventy peer-reviewed publications in addition to various other publications on the World Wide Web (see below). As part of his research activities he developed a trust propagation model for multi-client systems and a framework for the evaluation of virtual worlds in educational context. He had a major role in a joint project with Bedfordshire Police on cyberharrasment and contributed to the EDISON project, an EU funded initiative to build the Data Science profession.

Marc Conrad is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academic; and member of the BCS, The Chartered Instituted of IT; Institute of Mathematics and its Applications and the Croatian Mathematical Society.

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Journal Papers (peer reviewed)

  1. Ajmal, T., Anyachebelu, T., Conrad, M., Rawson, D., Evaluating urban surface water quality in Luton, Environmental Monitoring Assessment 191:147, 2019
  2. Christopoulos, A., Conrad, M., and Shukla, M., Interaction With Educational Games in Hybrid Virtual Worlds, Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 46(4), 385-413, SAGE 2018
  3. Christopoulos, A., Conrad, M., and Shukla, M., Increasing student engagement through virtual interactions: How? Virtual Reality, 22(4), 353-369, Springer Nature, DOI: 10.1007/s10055-017-0330-3, 2018
  4. Christopoulos, A., Conrad, M., and Shukla, M., Co-presence in the Real and the Virtual Space: Interactions Through Orientation, in: Costagliola, G., Uhomoibhi, J., Zvacek, S., and McLaren, B., M. (eds.), Computers Supported Education, Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, Cham. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-63184-4_1, 2017
  5. Conrad, M., Hassan, A., Koshy, L., Kanamgotov, A., Christopoulos, A., Strategies and Challenges to Facilitate Situated Learning in Virtual Worlds Post-Second Life, Computers in Entertainment (CIE), Volume 15 Issue 1, Spring 2017.
  6. Short, E., Brown, A., Barnes, J., Conrad, M., Alhaboby, Z., Pitchford, M., Conradie, L., Stewart, G., and Dobocan, A. Cyberharassment and Cyberbullying; Individual and Institutional Perspectives, Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine, Volume 14, Summer 2016, pp. 115-122, 2016.
  7. Christopoulos, A., Conrad, M. and Shukla, M. Between virtual and real: exploring hybrid interaction and communication in virtual worlds, (Special Issue on Design-based Research for Online Learning Environment Development). Journal of Social Media and Interactive Learning Environments, 4(1), pp. 23- 42, 2016.
  8. Oriwoh, E., Conrad, M., 'Thing' in the Internet of Things: Towards a Definition, International Journal of Internet of Things, 2015; 4(1):1-5, doi:10.5923/j.ijit.20150401.01.
  9. Anyachebelu, T. K., Conrad, M., Ajmal, T., Modeling and Prediction of Surface Water Contamination using On-line Sensor Data , International Journal on Smart Sensing and Intelligent Systems. Volume 7, Issue 5, Pages 1-5, 2014
  10. Christopoulos, A., Conrad, M., Shulka, M., Objects, Worlds & Students: Virtual Interaction in Education, Education Research International, Vol 2014 (2014), Article ID 318317.
  11. French, T., Conrad, M., Shaaban, H., Localized Trust - the Semiotics in Culture and E-Culture, International Journal of Digital Society (IJDS), Special Issue, Volume 1 Issue 1, 2013.
  12. Crosbie, T., French, T., Conrad, M., Stylistic Analysis Using Machine Translation as a Tool, International Journal for Infonomics (IJI), Special Issue Volume, Issue 1, 2013.
  13. Al-Ketbi O., & Conrad, M., Supervised ANN vs. Unsupervised SOM to Classify EEG Data for BCI: Why can GMDH do better? International Journal of Computer Applications, Vol. 74-No. 4, July 2013.
  14. Shaaban, H., & Conrad, M., Democracy, culture and information security: a case study in Zanzibar, Information Management & Computer Secuirty, Vol. 21 No. 3, 2013, pp. 191-201.
  15. Christopoulos, A, & Conrad, M. Views of Educators on Immersion in Virtual Worlds from Second Life to OpenSim. In: M Gardner, F Garnier & CD Kloos (eds), Journal of Immersive Education (JiED), pp. 48-59, 2012
  16. Conrad, M., Neale, J., Charles, A., This is my Body: the Uses and Effects of the Avatar in the Virtual World, International Journal for Infonomics (IJI), Volume 3, Issue 4, ISSN: 17424712 (Online), 2010.
  17. Conrad, M., French, T., Maple, C., Huchard, M., Pott, S., Enriching the Object-Oriented Paradigm via Shadows in the Context of Mathematics, Journal of Object Technology, 5(6):107-126, July-August 2006.
  18. Conrad, M., French, T., Maple, C., Zhang, S., Cultural Diversity in E-Mediated Student IT-Projects, Interactive Technology and Smart Education (ITSE), Vol. 3, Issue 3, 2006.
  19. Conrad, M., French, T. Exploring the synergies between the object-oriented paradigm and mathematics: a java led approach, International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology', Vol 35, No.5,733-742, 2004.
  20. Conrad, M., Replogle D., Nontrivial Galois Module Structure of Cyclotomic Fields, Mathematics of Computation 72, 891-899, 2003.
  21. Conrad, M., Construction of Bases for the Group of Cyclotomic Units, Journal of Number Theory 81, 1-15, 2000.
  22. Conrad, M., On explicit Relations between Cyclotomic Numbers, Acta Arithmetica XCIII.1, 67-76, 2000.
  23. Conrad, M., About the Kernel of the Augmentation of finitely generated Z-modules, Mathematical Communications 5, 61-66, 2000.

Conference Papers

  1. Miftha, A., Conrad, M., Gibson, M., Identifying the 'gaps' where Cloud Computing can help Computer Laws in curbing Cyber bullying and Cyber stalking in India. In: Proceedings of EAI CloudComp 2024 - 13th EAI International Conference on Cloud Computing, 2024, Luton, Great Britain.
  2. Arunpaul, M., Artemi, M., Feng, X., Conrad, M., SecureCloud: A Cross-Platform Encrypted File Sharing Solution with Forensic Imaging Capability. In: Proceedings of EAI CloudComp 2024 - 13th EAI International Conference on Cloud Computing, 2024, Luton, Great Britain.
  3. Miftha, A., Conrad, M., Gibson, M., Facets of Cybercrime Encountered under COVID Pandemic: The Manifold Landscape and Lessons to be Learned. In: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on e-Society, 2024, Porto, Portugal.
  4. Kaur, K., Gibson, M., Conrad, M.Negative Impacts of Scamming in Player-to-Player Transactions Within Massively Multiplayer Online Games In: Proceedings of the Creative AI Research Conference (University of the Creative Arts), 2023, Virtual Conference.
  5. Chukwu, J., Conrad, M., Crosbie, T., Data Protection and Privacy Determinants of E-Government Adoption in Nigeria In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference Information Systems, 2022, Virtual Conference.
  6. Miftha, A., Conrad, M., Gibson, M., Cyberstalking in India: Challenges on the Social Side and the Underlying Contradictions In: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on e-Society, 2022, Virtual Conference.
  7. Akati, J., Conrad, M., Anti-Tailgating Solution Using Biometric Authentication, Motion Sensors and Image Recognition In: Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress (CyberSciTech 2021), Virtual Conference.
  8. Feng, X., Conrad, M., Eze, E., Khalid, H., Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain for Future Cyber Security Application In: Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Applications of AI, Cyber Security and Economics Big Data (ACE-2021), in conjunction with: The 6th IEEE International Congress on Cyber Science and Technology (CyberSciTech 2021), Virtual Conference.
  9. Migacz, L, Feng, X, Conrad, M., Automotive Security and Theft Prevention Systems: State of The Art In: Proceedings of the 6th IEEE Cyber Science and Technology Congress (CyberSciTech 2021), Virtual Conference.
  10. Adegoroye, A., Conrad, M., Feng, X., A New Perspective on the Issue of Privacy: COVID-19 Pandemic vs. Privacy In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference WWW / Internet 2020, virtual, hosted by idadis.
  11. Christopoulos, A., Conrad, M., Shukla, M., What Does the Pedagogical Agent Say? In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information, Intelligence, Systems and Applications. IEEE 2019, Patras, Greece.
  12. Chukwu, J., Conrad, M., Crosbie, T., Empirical Inveistgation of Factors that Impact E-Government Adoption in Nigeria, In: International Conference ICT, Society, and Human Beings 2019, ISBN 978-989-8533-90-6, Porto, Portugal.
  13. Miftha, A., Conrad, M., Gibson, M., Cyberstalking is a Social Evil: From the Indian Women's Perspective, In: 17th International Conference e-Society 2019, ISBN 978-989-8533-85-2, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  14. Christopoulos, A., Conrad, M., Shukla, M. Learner Experience in Hybrid Virtual Worlds: Interacting with Pedagogical Agents, In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, 488-495. ScitePress. 2019, Heraklion, Greece.
  15. Feng, X., Conrad, M., Security Audit in Mobile Apps Security Design, In: CSAE '18 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Application Engineering Article No. 171 2018, Hohhot, China.
  16. Christopoulos A., Conrad M., Shukla M., Implementing Learning Models in Virtual Worlds - From Theory to (Virtual) Reality. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education - Volume 2: CSEDU, ISBN 978-989-758-291-2, pages 226-234, 2017, Funchal, Madeira.
  17. Koshy, L., Conrad, M., Shukla, M., French, T., Trust Score System in Social Networks and Virtual Worlds Based on Digital Identity. 15th International Conference on e-Society 2017, Budapest, Hungary.
  18. Miftha, A., Conrad, M., Gibson, M., The Social, Legal, Technical Perspective of Cyberstalking in India. 15th International Conference on e-Society 2017, Budapest, Hungary.
  19. Christopoulos, A., Conrad, M., Kanamgotov, A., Interaction in Situated Learning Does Not Imply Immersion - Virtual Worlds Help to Engage Learners without Immersing Them. 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU) 2017, Porto, Portugal.
  20. Christopoulos, A., Conrad, M. and Shukla, M. How Do Students 'Really' Interact with Virtual Worlds? The Influence of Proper Induction for Virtual Interactions. 8th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU) 2016, Rome, Italy.
  21. Oriwoh, E., Conrad, M. Presence Detection from Smart Home Motion Sensor Datasets: A Model. XIV Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing (MEDICON) 2016, Paphos, Cyprus.
  22. Anyachebelu, T.K., Conrad, M., Rawson, D., Ajmal, T., Application of Water Quality Index for Pollution Detection at Luton Hoo Lake. Sensors 2015; November 1-4, 2015, Busan, South Korea.
  23. Conrad, M., Teaching Project Management in a Changing, Virtual, World. How Real is This? Experiential Learning in Virtual Worlds - ELVW5; 2015, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
  24. Christopoulos, A., Conrad, M. and Shukla, M. How Interactive is your Virtual World? Examining Student Engagement on Virtual Learning Activities, 7th International Conference on Mobile, Hybrid and On-Line Learning (eLmL 2015), Lisbon, Portugal.
  25. Oriwoh, E., al-Khateb, H., Conrad, M., Responsibility and Non-repudiation in resource-constrained Internet of Things scenarios, International Conference on Computing and Technology Innovation (CTI 2015), May 27 - 28, 2015, University of Bedfordshire, Luton, United Kingdom.
  26. Kanamgotov, A., Koshy, L., Conrad, M., Prakoonwit, S., User-Avatar Association in Virtual Worlds. Cyberworlds 2014, Santander, Spain.
  27. Anyachebelu, T.K., Conrad, M., Ajmal, T., Modeling and Prediction of Surface Water Contamination using On-line Sensor Data, ICST 2014, September 2-4, 2014, Liverpool, United Kingdom.
  28. Anyachebelu, T.K., Conrad, M., Ajmal, T., Surface water quality prediction system for Luton Hoo lake: A statistical approach, INTECH 2014, August 12-14, 2014, Luton, United Kingdom.
  29. Christopoulos, A., & Conrad, M., Investing in Ephemeral Virtual Worlds: An Educational Perspective. 6th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU) 2014, Barcelona, Spain.
  30. Conrad, M., Teaching Risk with Virtual Worlds. In 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU) 2013. Aachen, Germany.
  31. Christopoulos, A., & Conrad, M., Maintaining context in a Changing (Virtual) World: Educators' Perspectives for OpenSim and Second Life. In 5th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU) 2013. Aachen, Germany.
  32. Shaaban, H., Conrad, M., French, T., Towards a framework for managing information security in Zanzibar's public organisations: a developing country's view, IADIS e-Society 2012, Berlin, Germany.
  33. Christopulos, A., Conrad, M., Views of Educators on Immersion in Virtual Worlds from Second Life to OpenSim, 2nd European Immersive Education Summit, 26-27 November 2012. École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs (EnsAD), Paris, France. [talk]
  34. Kanamgotov, A., Christopoulos, A., Conrad, M., Prakoonwit, S., Immersion in Virtual Worlds - but not Second Life! Cyberworlds 2012, Darmstadt.
  35. Shaaban, H., Conrad, M. and French, T., State of Information Security in Zanzibar's Public Sector, IST-Africa 2012 Conference Proceedings. Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 9-11 May 2012. IIMC. ISBN:978-1-905824-34-2.
  36. French, T., Conrad, M., Culture and E-Culture Through a Semiotic Lens: E-Banking Localization, International Conference on Information Society (i-society), 2012, London.
  37. Crosbie, T., French, T., Conrad, M., How Far Can Automatic Translation Engines Be Used as a Tool for Stylistic Analysis, International Conference on Information Society (i-society), 2012, London.
  38. Conrad, M., Leaving the Lindens: Teaching in Virtual Worlds of other Providers, Proceedings of ReLIVE11, conference proceedings: 28, Milton Keynes: Open University, 2011.
  39. Shukla, M., Conrad, M., Second Life is not an Island. Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on e-Society, Avila, Spain, 10-13 March 2011.
  40. Conrad, M., French, T., My Mouse - My Music, Sounding Out 5, 2010, Bournemouth.
  41. Conrad, M., Neale, Jo, Charles, A., Of Mice or Men? - The Avatar in the Virtualscape, International Conference on Information Society (i-society), 2010, London.
  42. Gibson, M., Conrad, M., Maple, C., Renaud, K., Accessible and Secure? Design Constraints on Image and Sound Based Passwords, International Conference on Information Society (i-society) 2010, London, UK
  43. Gibson, M., Conrad, M., Maple, C., Infinite Alphabet Passwords - a unified model for a class of authentication systems, in: Katsikas and Samarati, eds., Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT) 2010, Athens, Greece, July 26-28, 2010; pp 94-99.
  44. Al-Khateeb, H., Maple, C., Conrad, M., Enhancing Usability and Security in Click-Based Visual Password Systems, IADIS e-Society 2010, Porto, Portugal.
  45. Gibson, M., Renaud, K., Conrad, M., Maple, C., Musipass: Authenticating me softly with "my" song, New Security Paradigms Workshop (NSPW) 2009, The Queens College, University of Oxford, UK.
  46. Conrad, M., Pike, D., Sant, P., Nwafor, C., Teaching Large Student Cohorts in Second Life. In: International Conference on Computer Supported Education CSEDU 2009, Lisboa, Portugal.
  47. Shukla, M., Bessis, N., Conrad, M., Maple, C., A Dynamically Adaptive Dimensionalised Experience Feedback Mechanism within Second Life, In: International Conference Applied Computing 2009, IADIS, 19th-21st November, Rome.
  48. Pasanajano, P., Bessis, N., Yue, Y., Conrad, M., Brown, A., A Peer-to-Peer Trust Modelling Analysis for Decreasing B2B Monitoring Costs, In: 15th International Conference on Automation and Computing (ICAC'09), September 19th, Luton, 2009 ISBN: 978-0-9555293-4-4, p.p.: 104-108.
  49. Shukla, M., Bessis, N., Conrad, M., Glapworthy, G. Development Of A Customer Satisfaction Model For Enabling E-Collaboration In Second Life; In: IADIS Web Based Communities 2009, Algarve, Portugal.
  50. Bessis, N., Asimakopoulo., Conrad, M., A Mathematical Analysis for a Data-Grid Push Service for Disaster Management Response Scenarios; In: ICC 2009, Fullerton, California, USA.
  51. Al-Khateeb, H., Maple, C., Conrad, M. HybridPass: Authentication Mechanism for Web Applications - Both Secure and User-Friendly; In: IADIS International Conference e-Society 2009, Barcelona, Spain.
  52. Shukla, M., Bessis, N., Conrad, M., Clapworthy, G., and Yue, Y., Predicting Group Size in Second Life, IADIS Web Based Communities 2008, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  53. Conrad, M., Huchard, M., Preuss, Th., Integrating Shadows in Model Driven Engineering for Agile Software Development, In: Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Engineering Complex Distributed Systems (ECDS 2008) in conjunction with International Conference on Complex, Intelligent, and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS 2008), IEEE Computer Society, Barcelona, Spain
  54. Rambow, M., Preuss, T., Berdux, J., Conrad, M., REST based mobile applications. Proc. SPIE6821, Multimedia on Mobile Devices 2008, 682103 (February 14, 2008); doi:10.1117/12.766307.
  55. Conrad, M., Huchard, M., Enhancing the UML with Shadows for Agile Development, Short paper in Proceedings of Software Engineering 2007, GI-Edition Lecture Notes in Informatics Vol. 105, pp 249-250.
  56. Lehmann, M., Preuss, T., Rambow, M., Conrad, M., Multimedia Support for Highend PDAs, in: Proceedings of the IS&T/SPIE Electronic Imaging Symposium, San Jose, 2007.
  57. Conrad, M., French, T., Gibson, M., A Pragmatic and Musically Pleasing Production System for Sonic Events, in: 10th International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV06), London, 2006.
  58. Conrad, M., French, T., Huang, W., Maple, C., A lightweight model of trust propagation in a Multi-Client Network Environement. To what extent does Experience matter? In: 1st International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security (ARES), Vienna, 2006.
  59. Conrad, M., and French, T., A gentle transition from Java programming to Web Services using XML-RPC, JICC9 'Java in the Computing Curricula Conference, London Metropolitan University, 2005.
  60. Conrad, M., French, T, Maple, C., Object shadowing - a key concept for a modern programming language, '2nd Workshop on Object-Oriented Language Engineering for the Post-Java Era : Back to Dynamicity' at ECOOP, July 2004, 18th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming.
  61. Conrad, M., French, T., Maple, C., Pott, S., Mathematical use cases lead naturally to Non-Standard Inheritance Relationships, Proc. of MASPEGHI (Mechanisms for Specialisation, Inheritance and Generalisation) Workshop at ECOOP 2004, 18th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming.
  62. Maple, C., Conrad, M., French, T., Towards More Trustworthy B2C E-commerce Using a Hybrid Authentication Scheme, Full paper Procs., IADIS International eSociety 2004 Conference, July 2004 Vol. 1, p 134-141, Avila, Portugal. ISBN 972-98947-5-2.
  63. French, T., Maple, C., Conrad, M., A Visual Formalism for Graphical User Interfaces based on State Transition Diagrams, Procs. 7th IEEE Int. Conference on Visualisation, London, 2004.
  64. Maple, C., Conrad, M., French, T., A novel flexible approach to document encryption using an MathML extension to the W3C XML Digital Certificate Standard, Procs. IADIS Conference eSociety 2003, Lisbon, Portugal.
  65. Conrad, M., Object-oriented Design and Mathematics. In: Dagstuhl Seminar Reports (No. 01421): Integration of Algebra and Geometry Software Systems, 2001, Dagstuhl, Germany.
  66. Conrad, M., Bases of Cyclotomic Units. In: Dagstuhl Seminar Reports: Algorithmen und Zahlentheorie, 1998, Dagstuhl, Germany.

Book Chapters

  1. Selitskaya, N., Sielicki, S., Jakaite, L., Schetinin, V., Evans, F., Conrad, M., Sant, P., Deep Learning for Biometric Face Recognition: Experimental Study on Benchmark Data Sets, in: Richard Jiang, Chang-Tsun Li, Danny Crookes, Weizhi Meng, Christophe Rosenberger; Deep Biometrics. Springer 2020,
  2. Christopoulos, A., Conrad, M., and Shukla, M. The Added Value of the Hybrid Virtual Learning Approach Using Virtual Environments in the Real Classroom, in: Jennifer Qian (Ed.) Integrating Multi-User Virtual Environments in Modern Classrooms. IGI Global 2017,
  3. Gibson, M., Renaud, K., Conrad, M., Maple, C., Play That Funky Password!: Recent Advances in Authentication with Music, in: Gupta, M., Handbook of Research on Emerging Developments in Data Privacy 2014.
  4. Koshy, L. M., Getchell, K., Conrad, M., French, T., Identity in Virtual Worlds, in: Gehmann, u., Reiche, M. (eds), Real Virtuality - about the Destruction and Multiplication of World, [transcript] Verlag, Berlin 2014.
  5. Conrad, M., Teaching Project Management in Second Life, in: Vincenti, G., Braman, J. (eds), Multi-User Virtual Environments for the Classroom: Practical Approaches to Teaching in Virtual Worlds, IGI Global, 2011.
  6. Conrad, M., Charles, A., Neale, J., What is my Avatar? - Who is my Avatar? The Avatar as a Device to Achieve a Goal: Perceptions and Implications, in: Peachy, A., Childs, M. (eds), Reinventing Ourselves: Contemporary Concepts of Identity in Virtual Worlds, UK. Springer 2011.
  7. Shukla, M., Conrad, M., Bessis, N., Towards a Bespoke Framework for Eliciting Consumuer Satisfaction in Second Life, in: Safar, M. and Mahdi, K. (eds) , Social Networking and Community Behaviour Modeling: Qualitative and Quantitative Measures, IGI Global, 2011.
  8. Gibson, M., Renaud K., Conrad, M., Maple, C., Music is the key: Using our enduring memory for songs to help users log on, in: Gupta, M., Walp, J., Sharman, R. (eds), Strategic and Practical Approaches for Information Security Governance. Technology and Applied Solutions, IGI Global, 2011.
  9. Conrad, M., Schmitt, S., simcalc in: Grabmeier, J., Kaltofen, E., Weispfennig, V.(eds), Computer Algebra Handbook: Foundations - Applications - Systems, Springer, 2003.

Completed PhD's

  1. Chukwu, J., Impact of Data Protection and Privacy on e-Government Adoption in Nigeria, 2024. (Director of Studies)
  2. Miftha, A., The Social, Legal, and Technical Perspectives of Cyberstalking in India, 2024. (Director of Studies)
  3. Omoyajowo, O., A Systematic Risk Management Approach for Small Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria Manufacturing Sector, 2022. (Director of Studies)
  4. Chessum, K., A Conceptual Framework to Support Cross-cultural User Experience Design for Web Search, 2021. (2nd supervisor)
  5. Koshy, L. M., Identity and Trust Management in Distributed Systems- A Novel Approach, 2020. (Director of Studies)
  6. Anyachebelu, T. K., Prediction of a Water Quality Index Using Online Sensor Data, 2020. (2nd supervisor)
  7. Christopoulos, A., Designing an engaging learning universe for situated interactions in virtual environments, University of Bedfordshire, 2018. (Director of Studies)
  8. Crosbie, T., A computer assisted analysis of literary text: from feature analysis to judgements of literary merit, University of Bedfordshire, 2016. (Director of Studies)
  9. Kanamgotov, A., A framework for immersion in virtual reality, University of Bedfordshire, 2015. (Director of Studies)
  10. Oriwoh, E., A smart home anomaly detection framework, University of Bedfordshire, 2015. (Director of Studies)
  11. Aryanpour, A., An Interoperability Framework For Security Policy Languages, University of Bedfordshire, 2015. (Director of Studies)
  12. Alenezi, A., Development of a Framework to Enhance the Level of Trust for using Online Services in KSA, University of Bedfordshire 2016. (2nd supervisor)
  13. Shabaan, H., The state of information security in the developing countries: the case of Zanzibar, Tanzania, University of Bedfordshire 2013. (Director of Studies)
  14. Gibson, M., Opening the web for all: Designing authentication for accessibility, University of Bedfordshire 2012. (Director of Studies)
  15. Shukla, M., Creating a Framework for Eliciting Consumer Satisfaction in Second Life, University of Bedfordshire 2012. (Director of Studies)
  16. Al-Khateeb, H., Flexible, reliable and secure authentication mechanisms for web applications, University of Bedfordshire 2010. (2nd supervisor)
  17. Norrington, P., Novel, robust and cost-effective authentication techniques for online services, University of Bedfordshire 2009. (2nd supervisor)

Completed MPhil's

  1. Hassan, A., Replication and Availability in Decentralised Online Social Networks University of Bedfordshire 2017. (Director of Studies)
  2. Alketbi, O., Data quality assurance for strategic decision making in Abu Dhabi's public organisations University of Bedfordshire 2014. (Director of Studies)

Web Sites (Research & Teaching)

  1. Conrad, M., Cyclotomic Units - Relations and Computation, 2016..
  2. Conrad, M., Selected Topics on Project Management, 2015.
  3. Conrad, M., How google searches, 2014.
  4. Conrad, M., Sanf Oh (resources on virtual worlds), 2008.
  5. Conrad, M., The com.perisic.shadow Java package, 2004.
  6. Conrad, M., Marc Conrad at MASPEGHI 2004, 2004.
  7. Conrad, M., Jacobson's Recycling Machine analyzed with Larman's Methods, 2004.
  8. Conrad, M., Lecture slides and activities on XML-RPC, 2003.
  9. Conrad, M., - A Java class package for multivariate polynomials over arbitrary rings, 2002.

Technical Papers and Talks

  1. Conrad, M., From Math to Society - Numbers, Security and Culture, Talk given at University of Bedfordshire, 2022
  2. Conrad, M., Effective Assessment and Feedback, Talk given at University of Bedfordshire, 2012
  3. Maple, C., Gibson, M., Conrad, M., Evaluating the effectiveness of image-based password design paradigms using a newly developed metric, technical report , Institute for Research in Applicable Computing, University of Luton, UK, 2005.
  4. Conrad, M. and Schmitt, S., An Algorithm for Permuting Variables of. Recursively Represented Polynomials, Perisic Preprint, 2005.
  5. Conrad, M. and Schmitt, S., An object oriented concept for elliptic curves, Perisic Preprint, 2002.
  6. Conrad, M., Demands on Software in Computer Algebra and Object oriented Solutions, Perisic Preprint, 1999.
  7. Conrad, M., Big Numbers in Computer Algebra, Talk given at University of Zagreb, 1996.

Diploma and Ph.D. thesis

  1. Basen von Moduln mit Anwendung auf Kreiseinheiten und Stickelbergerelemente (Ph.D. thesis)
  2. Gruppenringe und ihre Anwendung auf die Gruppe der zyklotomischen Einheiten (diploma thesis)

Art and Games

  1. Six Equations Game (own hosted)
  2. Six Equations Game (on
  3. The Smile Game
  4. Cat Videos Performance Benchmark Test Site (Fifty Shades of Cats)
  5. 395 Images
  6. Four Trees on Tumbler
  7. Alternative Fermats
  8. Ink Shadows


  1. Google Scholar; LinkedIn;; ResearchGate, UOBREP, Linktree, Kaggle,, GitHub, Wix.
  2. Obituary Donald Moon
  3. Facebook Group: University of Bedfordshire Undegraduate Computing
  4. SanfOhBlog - The Blog About Everything
  5. Have a 15 minutes break!

© by Marc Conrad 2015-2024. The material on this page is presented "as is". There is no warranty implied. If you notice a missing item please contact Marc Conrad. Last update: October 2024.