Donald George Moon

Donald George Moon (died 2018)

It is with considerable sadness that we report herein, of the sudden passing of Don Moon at the age of 81. Don was, as many will no doubt recall, a stalwart and long-time serving member of the School of Computer Science and Technology at the University of Luton (now: University of Bedfordshire) mainly in the capacity of Student Mentor to numerous intakes of both undergraduate and postgraduate students. Many in the School benefited from his proficiency both in Java and in numerous other tools and applicable lab based tasks. Don distinguished himself in the RAF until 1967, and continued as a Technical Author with Honeywells. He then began his own studies in 1994 as a mature part-time student obtaining a BSc (Hons) AI & Robotics in 2010. In doing so, he accumulated a number of heterogeneous unit credits over many years of diligent study. Many staff remember with gratitude and fondness his 'reverse mentoring' of many of his tutors, which was always carried out with both tact and diplomacy. Indeed, Don's thirst for acquiring new knowledge never left him, despite suffering from increasingly severe visual impairment and in recent times, physical frailty.

Don was one of those, now all too rare, memorable and individual characters; seemingly never out of his depth, someone who was able to inspire staff and students alike through setting an example both in his personal demeanour, and seemingly unending patience, and calm, firm, fully supportive persona. Don was never one to hold back expressing his insights and views as regards to pedagogic as well technology related matters to both staff and students, who duly grew to appreciate both his insights and integrity. He will surely be missed as a semi-permanent 'fixture-and-fitting' of the Computer Science & Technology School 'furniture' so to speak, over more than 15 years of diligent, selfless service. We would like to formally and sincerely express to both his widow and close circle of friends and acquaintances our deepest condolences at this sad time. Don will no doubt be remembered by all those he mentored and with whom he was regarded as a trusted colleague, of the utmost personal integrity. He will be sorely missed.

Karen Chessum, Marc Conrad, Tim French, Rob Keane, Lyzgeo Merin Koshy, Paul Sant, Stephen Wilson